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Thank you!

Thank you!

The response to my first post in this new Footy Law blog has been overwhelming – thousands upon thousands of views, hundreds of shares and a number of approaches from journalists!

Thank you all.

I hope future posts will be as interesting and compelling as the first.

As for media requests, I have taken the decision that I won’t respond to these.

What I’m attempting to do with this blog is to analyse issues in sport – particularly but not exclusively football – in relation to rules, regulations and law. This means that for the most part I will not be expressing my personal opinions but rather providing a legal opinion.

As I mention on my introductory page, I am not an eminent lawyer. I’m not even a lawyer (not a qualified one, in any event) and so my personal opinion is irrelevant. If news and media organisations want to talk with people to provide a legal opinion there are plenty of suitable solicitors and barristers who specialise in sports law who would be a more appropriate source.

Having said that, I do hope that this blog will prove, over time, to be a comprehensive and authoritative source that people can turn to and rely on.